E-ARK IP manipulation .NET library

.NET API to manipulate OAIS Information Packages of different formats: E-ARK, BagIt, Hungarian type 4 SIP.

The E-ARK Information Packages are maintained by the Digital Information LifeCycle Interoperability Standards Board (DILCIS Board). DILCIS Board is an international group of experts committed to maintain and sustain maintain a set of interoperability specifications which allow for the transfer, long-term preservation, and reuse of digital information regardless of the origin or type of the information.

More specifically, the DILCIS Board maintains specifications initially developed within the E-ARK Project (02.2014 - 01.2017):

The DILCIS Board collaborates closely with the Swiss Federal Archives in regard to the maintenance of the SIARD (Software Independent Archiving of Relational Databases) specification.

For more information about the E-ARK Information Packages specifications, please visit http://www.dilcis.eu/

Run demonstration example


To run the application you must comply with the following environment requirements:

Download commons-ip-dotnet-demo.zip from the latest release. Right-click and select Extract here. Open folder and execute file commons-ip-dotnet-demo.exe.

Demo application printscreen - add representation

The application allows you to create E-ARK SIP files from your own files. In order to create these packages, you’ll have to perform the following tasks (as presented in the application):

The project source code is available in the root commons-ip-dotnet-demo folder (soluton file is the root commons-ip-dotnet-demo.sln file).

Use as a library


To use this project, you must comply with the following environment requirements:


In this section it’s specified 3rd party libraries necessary to use this package.

Download DLL

Download commons-ip-X.X.X.dll from latest release and import it into your project. Also, the NuGet must be configured to import the IKVM library to your project.

Write some code

Create a full E-ARK SIP

' 1) instantiate E-ARK SIP object
Dim sip = New EARKSIP("SIP_1", IPContentType.getMIXED())
sip.addCreatorSoftwareAgent("My company name")

' 1.1) set optional human-readable description
sip.setDescription("A full E-ARK SIP")

' 1.2) add descriptive metadata (SIP level)
Dim metadataDescriptiveDC = New IPDescriptiveMetadata(
  New IPFile(Paths.get("test\resources\eark\metadata_descriptive_dc.xml")),
  New MetadataType(MetadataTypeEnum.DC), Nothing)

' 1.3) add preservation metadata (SIP level)
Dim metadataPreservation = New IPMetadata(
  New IPFile(Paths.get("test\resources\eark\metadata_preservation_premis.xml")))

' 1.4) add other metadata (SIP level)
Dim metadataOtherFile = New IPFile(Paths.get("test\resources\eark\metadata_other.txt"))

' 1.4.1) optionally one may rename file final name
Dim metadataOther = New IPMetadata(metadataOtherFile)

' 1.5) add xml schema (SIP level)
sip.addSchema(New IPFile(Paths.get("test\resources\eark\schema.xsd")))

' 1.6) add documentation (SIP level)
sip.addDocumentation(New IPFile(Paths.get("test\resources\eark\documentation.pdf")))

' 1.7) set optional RODA related information about ancestors

' 1.8) add an agent (SIP level)
Dim agent = New IPAgent("Agent Name", "OTHER", "OTHER ROLE", CreatorType.INDIVIDUAL, "OTHER TYPE")

' 1.9) add a representation (status will be set to the default value, i.e.,
Dim representation1 = New IPRepresentation("representation 1")

' 1.9.1) add a file to the representation
Dim representationFile = New IPFile(Paths.get("test\resources\eark\documentation.pdf"))
Dim representationFileEnc2 = New IPFile(Paths.get("test\resources\eark\documentation.pdf"))
Dim representationFileEnc3 = New IPFile(Paths.get("test\resources\eark\documentation.pdf"))
Dim representationFileEnc4 = New IPFile(Paths.get("test\resources\eark\documentation.pdf"))

' 1.9.2) add a file to the representation and put it inside a folder
' called 'abc' which has a folder inside called 'def'
Dim representationFile2 = New IPFile(Paths.get("test\resources\eark\documentation.pdf"))
representationFile2.setRelativeFolders(Arrays.asList("abc", "def"))

' 1.10) add a representation & define its status
Dim representation2 = New IPRepresentation("representation 2")

' 1.10.1) add a file to the representation
Dim representationFile3 = New IPFile(Paths.get("test\resources\eark\documentation.pdf"))

' 2) build SIP, providing an output directory
Dim zipSIP = sip.build(Paths.get(""))


The performance was measured by creating E-ARK SIP packages, on the same machine, using the java library, and the .NET library (the test project is available in the root commons-ip-dotnet-test folder). Three scenarios were considered for the performed tests:

  1. using the Java library;
  2. using the .NET library, loading IKVM package at the same moment of the E-ARK SIP package creation;
  3. using the .NET library, pre-loading IKVM package before the moment of the E-ARK SIP package creation;

For each scenario, 3 tests were performed, and following table shows the respective results:

Test iteration Java library .NET library .NET library, pre-loading IKVM
1 758 ms 3994 ms 1629 ms
2 815 ms 4015 ms 1601 ms
3 870 ms 3884 ms 1617 ms

As expected, using the java library is the quickest way to obtain the E-ARK SIP packages (an average around 800 milliseconds).

Because the approach of using a java library wrapper to use as a .NET library, it was expected to have a delay (because of the usage of a virtual machine). Still, there are some good coding policies to be taken into account when using this library, namely to load in memory the IKVM package before proceedding to the SIP creation, as we can conclude from the obtained results.


Given the genesis of the commons-ip API creation, there were two approaches for moving the library to the .NET framework. Initially the scenario of creating a new library in the target technology was evaluated, however, due to the time it would take to create the new API, and the fact that new developments led to double the effort to maintain 2 different technological solutions, we chose to take advantage of the work up to date, and use the existing API as the basis of the new API.

This implies that, at the performance level, it will be a slower solution to generate the submission packages, but on the upper side, new features added to the java version of the API can be (almost) immediately used in the .NET API. It will only require to create the new DLL file by using IKVM.


Compile new commons-ip-x.x.x.dll

IKVM has a large number of applications and functionalities. In this project, the propose is to create a dll file from a jar library that is possible to import into a .Net project and use it without any complication or major setup.

Below are the bash commands to apply in order to create a new DLL file from the jar libraries.

ikvmc.exe #to view help command

In the previous version of java (below version 8), -recurse parameter is not needed because only is needed a jar with all dependencies inside. In case of java 8 a jar library and a folder with all 3rd party jar files are used.


Note: when the previous command is executed, you can discard the warnings. However, you must check if any errors occurred during the execution.


Paulo Lima (KEEP SOLUTIONS), Rui Rodrigues (KEEP SOLUTIONS).
